
此次Microsoft MBA Early Bird Event是Microsoft Academy of College Hire (MACH) 的预热活动。微软公司业务解决方案总经理Aaron Pa, MACH项目人力负责人Emma, MACH MCE 校友Mark Lai分别就微软中国业务及战略、MBA MACH管培生项目、MCE经管校友管培生轮岗体验进行了介绍与分享。
关于微软中国业务与战略3大核心领域 1.To create more personal computing: The most obvious example of personal computing is Windows. But the way you are interacting is changing because it is not only about computer now. You are interacting the whole word in 3D, in virtual reality. We might look at the world through glasses and see information in another way. We know touch and we know we more and more rely on speech and talk to machine just we talk to other people. So we say that more personal computing is about the future way we can touch technology.
2.Reinventing productivity and business processes. Well, we have made Office. We have the responsibility to make our product better and better and we are really proud of the development. Things like Office 365. We meet our product and technology in the cloud. Over 90% of developers and engineers are putting the cloud technology first.
3.Building the intelligent cloud platform. We say it is smart and intelligent. There are only very few companies in the world that can offer intelligent cloud services at this scale and size that MS does there. Now there are pretty 3 today globally big players, MS, Amazon and Google. The other import cloud service providers are based in US, Europe. Maybe they are also doing business in China but their size they operated today can’t be compared to the size MS do today. The size we are doing in Asia is six times bigger than google and five times bigger than Amazon. And in this multination world we have public cloud in China; we have special Azure, special Office 365 and only special version in China. We have great competitor in China, like Ali. Ali is a great China cloud service provider. But compared with Ali, we are a successful globally cloud service provider. We can help Chinese companies grow both in China and over the world and more and more global company are becoming strong in China. That is the biggest difference we have and the cool thing is about the strong could platform which is connected with our other ambitions. We have Office 365, CRM, etc. In terms of personal computing, when you log in Windows, you use matric reality and you need to connect to cloud, too. We also have strong infrastructure and it’s really a cool thing.
MACH Program 分为两类:MACH Undergraduate 和 MACH MBA,出于中国市场在微软战略发展的特殊性和重要性,MACH MBA在中国又称为MCE(MBA China Experience)。只有微软中国招聘的MBA毕业生(MACH MCE)有全球rotation的机会。作为一名MACH MCE成员,会有一个为期15个月的轮岗(7个月在中国,6个月在美国总部,另外1-2月在海外其他国家)。另外,你会参与到一个China Strategy Project, 项目贯穿rotation 15个月,结束后和中国的 COO, CEO review项目进度,这也是为什么MACH MCE是一个非常具有挑战性的项目的原因之一。另外,作为 MACH MEC项目的一员,你有机会体验世界一流的培训项目,参与制定下一个影响未来世界经济的业务战略,通过轮岗获得海外工作经验,建立全球关系网络,并参与领导力导师计划。促进商业敏锐度,使你能更快为岗位做出有益贡献,并获得支持以驱动你的长期职业生涯。建立非凡技能,使你在同辈中卓尔不群;体验独特的地区文化,进而影响整个世界。
Mark Lai
Mark Lai就读清华MBA之前有4年半进出口业务销售从业经验。Mark于2014年通过MACH MEC项目加入微软中国, 目前负责Office365, Azure销售业务。在初期15个月的轮岗先后担任如下工作:
Sales Excellent, Territory Sales-SMS&P, Beijing, China
PSE-WW CA Channel Sales, Redmond, the US.
PSE-Hosting team, SMS&P, UK.
Learning from your peer
Being Proactive
另外要改变自己的mind set才能使自己对团队更有贡献
学会提高自己的visibility和business impact
Leverage the resource
微软有非常多的资源,特别是做sales更需要学会寻找资源。要学会在利用微软的平台发展自己的同时提高自己的visibility,把business impact做到最好。